Thursday 3 November 2016

Large Teeth - Part 2

The Goliath Tiger fish comes from Africa and it is known to shred people in two.
In Africa, its like a kind of god because its flesh and size can feed a village of 40 people.
It eats everything in its way, even grown up human!!!
Here are some Africans holding the fish up to thank god for this fish that is incredibly rare to catch.

Here is the skeleton of the head - its big and toothy.
It has up to 25 massive teeth that are pointy like the ones of the T-Rex!!!!
It could snap babies and shred people into pieces like crocodiles do.

Here is the mouth of a 7 foot one.
The teeth are massive!!! They are like 3 or 4 cms each!
They can also grow up to 5 meters when they are adults.

Here is a 4 metre one that has been caught in Africa by 11 year olds. One of them nearly drowned!!!

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