Thursday 5 May 2016

Large Teeth - Part 1

The Vampire fish or Payara was a myth among the natives of the Amazon  until they found that it really existed!
There are two types of Payaras : the black one and the normal one.

Here you can see why it is named the vampire fish!

This fish has two holes at the top of its mouth, to store the two teeth/ fangs otherwise it would do a lot of damage to itself. Weird, I know!
Also, this fish, like a lot of carnivorous fish, is a cannibal.

Here in a small black one.

In the photo. you can see the dorsal fins which are made so this fish can speed up and attack prey.
It's an ambush fish.
It waits in the current and when the prey comes, it destroys it!
It's so quick that the fish can't see it happen.

Here in a maximum size grey Payara!

And here is a maximum size black Payara!

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