Thursday 3 November 2016

Large Teeth - Part 2

The Goliath Tiger fish comes from Africa and it is known to shred people in two.
In Africa, its like a kind of god because its flesh and size can feed a village of 40 people.
It eats everything in its way, even grown up human!!!
Here are some Africans holding the fish up to thank god for this fish that is incredibly rare to catch.

Here is the skeleton of the head - its big and toothy.
It has up to 25 massive teeth that are pointy like the ones of the T-Rex!!!!
It could snap babies and shred people into pieces like crocodiles do.

Here is the mouth of a 7 foot one.
The teeth are massive!!! They are like 3 or 4 cms each!
They can also grow up to 5 meters when they are adults.

Here is a 4 metre one that has been caught in Africa by 11 year olds. One of them nearly drowned!!!

Thursday 5 May 2016

Large Teeth - Part 1

The Vampire fish or Payara was a myth among the natives of the Amazon  until they found that it really existed!
There are two types of Payaras : the black one and the normal one.

Here you can see why it is named the vampire fish!

This fish has two holes at the top of its mouth, to store the two teeth/ fangs otherwise it would do a lot of damage to itself. Weird, I know!
Also, this fish, like a lot of carnivorous fish, is a cannibal.

Here in a small black one.

In the photo. you can see the dorsal fins which are made so this fish can speed up and attack prey.
It's an ambush fish.
It waits in the current and when the prey comes, it destroys it!
It's so quick that the fish can't see it happen.

Here in a maximum size grey Payara!

And here is a maximum size black Payara!

Thursday 21 April 2016

Boxing fish - Part 3

The Halibut is a sea water fish but recently, it was found in freshwater.
This fish is very strong.
By giving headbutts, it's killed people!
It can weight a maximum of 110 pounds and measure 6 feet long.
This fish is also very good for lunch or diner.
This fish is one of the few flat freshwater fish.
It has committed 5 to 10 crimes!!!

Here is a small one.

With its flatness, it can blend into the sand so that its enemies don't see it.
The halibut is also known as a sport fish in tournaments.
You can find halibuts in the Mediterranean and the rivers of Austalia.
The Halibut is a very violent fish!!

Here are some very big Halibut:

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Boxing fish - Part 2

The Golden Dorado is known in Argentina as the Golden Tiger Fish.
You would find it in the Amazon, Argentina and in the rivers of Congo.

This fish slices through your genitals.
It has committed 10 or 15 crimes.

It grows up to 5 or 6 feet long and weighs up to 90 pounds.

Here is a small one.

Here you can see their teeth.

There teeth are very small but they are very, very strong!

This fish is literally blind but with its sense of smell, in the murky water, it can catch prey.
Normally this fish eats other fish but randomly, it has attacked humans.
All the crimes were committed in Argentina.

Here are some maximum size Golden Dorados:

Monday 18 April 2016

Boxing fish - Part 1

In the following 3 posts, I will talk about fish which can violently hit you which is why they are called Boxing fish!!!

The Arapaima is the biggest fish in the Amazon.
It weighs up to 600 pounds and measures up to 25 feet!

This fish is a legendary fish for the natives of the Amazon.
In Brazil or in other places in the Amazon, you will find this fish in the market.

Here is a small one- so cute!!!

Here is a medium one.

And here are all the types of Arapaima!

We can find Arapaima in the Amazon and Bolivia but in Bolivia, the Arapaimas are not a native fish but were introduced!
What's dangerous about this fish is that if its under you and goes to the surface, you will fall and drown.
The Arapaima killed 20 or 30 people like that! But otherwise, it is harmless.

Here is a rare white Arapaima!
Only 2 or 3 have been found.

And here are some very big Arapaimas:

Killer catfish - Part 2

The Piraiba is the most dangerous catfish ever.
It can weigh 1200 pounds and can grow up to 9 feet long!
In the Amazon, they found a man inside a Piraibas mouth!!

Here is the picture!!

Like othor catfish, it has whiskers and teeth.

The Piraiba is one of the most dangerous fish in the Amazon.

Here is a 2 foot Piraibe !

When the Piraibas are small, they have points on their backs.
It had been accused of over 300 crimes.

Piraibas are found in Amazon , Colombia , Argentina and Africa.
In the Amazon, the Piraiba is also known as the LAULAU!

Here are some giant Piraibas:

Sunday 13 March 2016

Killer Catfish - Part 1

The Gunch in a killer catfish and the most dangerous fish in India!
The Gunch can weigh 1000 pounds and grow to 9 foot.
It is one of the biggest catfish ever.
The Gunch has 4 main whiskers, unlike other catfish which have 2!
Also the Gunch has 300 or 500 little teeth!

Here is a 10 inch Gunch!

When the Gunch are very small, they have more colors and have a longer tail.
But when they are smaller, they don't have 4 main whiskers.
The Gunch was accused of 100 crimes or more!

Here is an 8 foot long Gunch!!!!

Here you can see its 2 big whiskers. The other ones are the 2 little ones on its nose.